Spinner Pro Article Spinning Software

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There’s really no question that creating and distributing articles will help you generate a ton of back links, improve your search engine rankings, generate more traffic and make you more money online.

Too bad writing articles can be a gigantic pain in the ass. ... yes creating your own articles from scratch can be EXTREMELY PAINFUL. If you're doing it ALL by yourself, you could dedicate hours, days, or even longer to write your own articles.

Now, some would say, "Hire it out"... bring in some outsource authors and just pull the puppet strings and let THEM do all this hard work for you. Great strategy — expensive strategy — but great when it works right, and assuming you have cash to burn.

I mean… to get a "quality" "readable" article you’d probably spend $5 to $10 to have the each article written. Others would say "why not use PLR (private label right) articles?"

But there's a RUB here, too. Ever hear about the "Duplicate Content Penalty" and the "Google Sandbox?" Yep, using PLR articles runs the risk that your sites get moved to the Google pergatory... never to be seen.

So how can you solve this problem?

Actually, it is very easy:

Use spin ready articles to create hundreds of unique articles with the click of a button! By using these special articles that are in spin format (spin ready articles), you can pump out hundreds or even thousands of articles that are unique in Google’s eyes. That means that you don’t have to FEAR Google’s duplicate content penalty.

Spinner Pro Article Spinning Software

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